Welcome to Team Paizo's Gauntlet 2018 Fundraising Page!
Victors of the first-ever Gauntlet event, team Paizo is back competing to win the coveted trophy, all while raising money for a great cause! This year's theme is high-fantasy, so we're prepared to slay dragons and battle our way to victory, but we need YOUR help! Any amount donated will not only give us power-ups during the event, but it will also help children in need.
Update: We made $3,000! Rewards and new goal revealed!
We made it to $3,000 thanks to all of your help! We will now reveal the bonus reward and unveil a new one.
The bonus reward you unlocked was The Gauntlet, as a magic item fully compliant with the Pathfinder Playtest rules, added to the blog!
Our last goal is a tricky one. The tournament is on Sunday, so if we can raise $4,600 - enough to take 3rd place in the current ranking and set Paizo’s new record for donations in the Gauntlet tournament - we will add a special blog topic entirely centered around familiars. These fuzzy friends already feature slightly in the upcoming wizard blog, but they weren’t scheduled to have their own blog, so this is a special chance to find out all sorts of details about them!
We're excited to help raise money for Wellspring Family Services, a Seattle based non-profit that has been working to build emotionally healthy, self-sufficient families and a nonviolent community for over 120 years! They achieve their mission through the effective provision of social and mental health services that help strengthen families, addressing a broad range of issues that can negatively affect their lives.
ENGAGE - Mox Boarding House’s charitable giving program, is hosting this table top gaming tournament and fundraiser called The Gauntlet: Realms, on May 20th, in Bellevue, WA. Please Team Paizo support this amazing charity by donating to our campaign- in doing so, you will help our team to earn valuable "Power-Ups" (advantages) that will be used during the tournament. Just click the "Make a Donation" button at the top, to get started!
If you are interested in seeing how your donation impacts the tournament total, as well as how our team utilizes our earned power-ups, you may watch the live stream on May 20th!
Click here to watch the whole event unfold: Card Kingdom Twitch Channel
Thanks for your support!